Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a Joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?
By Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
Månen i Jungfrun
00:10:09 den 22 Januari 2011
Starka känslor och kroppen är extra känslig nu. .
Behov av Perfektion. Undvik stress så du inte blir sjuk det finns en hög risk just nu för det folk runt i allmänhet kan vara extra kritiska och samtidigt uppmana till struktur och ordning .
Sanningar uppdagas eftersom jungfrun söker efter det som är rätt och analyserar allt i detalj.
Om du känner ett behov av att vara extra försiktig och metodisk så beror det med all sannolikhet på jungfrun.
Nu är planeringens tid, vi tar itu med diverse problem metodiskt och analytiskt kanske har du ett matte prov i skolan eller försöker lösa din budget hur som helst detta är influens av månens placering i jungfrun.
lördag 22 januari 2011
torsdag 20 januari 2011
Solen i Vattumannen
11:18:31 20 Januari
Solen inträder i Vattumannen.
Här följer en tid av upproriskt revolterande från det kända, nu är det dags att ta fram Jimmy Dean Rebellen i dig och observera omgivningen genom att frigöra dig från givna omständigheter så kan du få högre insikter .
Det är dags att bryta mönster i struktur och rutin i vardagen för att öka medvetandet .Genom att sätta våran egen säkerhet i fara , protestera mot all auktoritet så kan vi nå ett högre syfte.
tisdag 4 januari 2011
Have you heard about Ophiuchus? Many would answer in negative. And they are right because for a lot of people even those who have been following star signs it is a new word. This is being touted as the 13th Zodiac sign.
According to experts in the industry, the 13th sign of the zodiac is associated with a real person. The story goes back to the 27 century BCE in Ancient Egypt. In those days lived a man known as Imhotep. The Ancient Greeks knew him as ‘Aesclepius.’
He was a man of many qualities. But one of his biggest abilities was healing. Historians are of the firm opinion that he had introduced healing to mankind. In a short period of his life he had accomplished many things. The most major of them was his wide knowledge of medicine.
If you are keen watcher of signs then you must have noticed the serpent or snake symbol which is still used today to symbolize the medical profession. Actually it was also used to represent Imhotep. There are many other attributes associated with the Serpent Holder. The most popular among them is that many people are envious of this subject as he progresses well throughout life.
Some of his qualities are as follows:
* A seeker of wisdom and knowledge
* Many people are jealous of this person
* Tends to go for the more flamboyant in dress sense, favouring bright colours.
* Authority looks upon him well.
* Would make a great architect or builder.
* Number 12 is this persons lucky number.
* This person will have a big family but leave home at an early age.
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